I am now 38 weeks pregnant and find myself between feelings of excitement and overwhelming worry! It is such a reality now, the birth of our baby is so close, that I can't help but think of some of the practicalities once baby Rebecca is here...

This week the itching I experienced during my second trimester has returned. I am quite worried about this, as another mother has commented on my earlier blog entries, warning me about ICP (see ‘Week 24’). Initially the itching (now, the second time around) was just all...

[caption id="attachment_4713" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Baby Rebecca showing us (hopefully!) the peace sign![/caption] I am 33 weeks pregnant, but it feels more like 37 weeks! This baby feels soo ready to come out - and this mommy still needs to 'gather her thoughts' about 'number 2' arriving! I...

30 Weeks 30 Weeks pregnant and I am feeling fists and feet! Baby isn’t making just general big moves around my belly, but I am now constantly feeling little hard bits sticking out and almost punching me from the inside! Someone is definitely exploring her boundaries. I...

29 Weeks! At 29 Weeks things are going quite smoothly. My only ‘trouble’ at this time is the intense summer heat of the Boland. Sleeping has also become tricky, even with my preggy roll, as the options of two sides two sleep on – no tummy...

This mommy is now thoroughly exhausted! We moved into a new house on Friday, and even though people were warning me to take things slow and not do any of the heavy lifting, as I am six months pregnant, I couldn't help myself - I...

I’m at that stage of my pregnancy now where I am on the brink of just letting go or giving in to bad eating habits. I remember feeling the same with Alex in my third trimester. As your body starts bulging (ooh I hate seeing muffin...