Birth trauma
Birth trauma is a description for negative birth experiences which may (and often do) lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after childbirth. (PTB) Symptoms of birth trauma (Postnatal PTSD) ...
Birth trauma is a description for negative birth experiences which may (and often do) lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after childbirth. (PTB) Symptoms of birth trauma (Postnatal PTSD) ...
by Darian Ryan My name is Darian Ryan. I am a mom to the most amazing human. Ok, I guess I’m being biased but don’t all moms think that their kids are the best? I come from a family of crea...
By Mari-Lise Visser – Physiotherapist Ever heard the phrase Rome was not build in a day? Or to see the view from the mountain top you must first climb one step at a time? Pregnancy is your ‘Ro...
Waiting for the arrival of a new member of the family is an exciting time, but growing your family can put great strain on your finances. Fortunately, according to Anel Coetzee, Financial Planner at S...
By Anchen Verster Labour can be long and challenging. Hollywood has made it out to be quick, loud and dramatic but few realize the long “slog” until you’ve been there. To be of help to your part...
By Anchen Verster In my pre-parenthood days I used to watch a toddler tantrum and think the parents must be making some or other parenting blunder. Mmmm totally missed the boat there – I have 4 ...
By Dr Ben – a paediatrician working in Cape Town. This is an age-old question asked by new Moms and Dads alike. When is it ok to “watch and wait” for your child to “get better” and when ...
By Johan Verster – Pastor, husband and father And the cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon Little boy blue and the man in the moon “When you coming home, dad?” “I donR...
By Johan Verster – Husband, pastor and father of 4 young children One of my best friends has just gone to meet his new adoptive son. With the boy being 9 months old, my friend is fully conscious of ...
By Anchen Verster – nursing sister and midwife “Morning sickness” is a rather unfair term given to describe nausea and/ or vomiting during pregnancy. Why unfair? Because it is not necessarily co...
As a new mother you want to do everything to safeguard the health and wellbeing of your baby. This includes taking your baby for their immunisations, checking for weight gain and reaching the necess...
My experience of natural birth by Sarah Randall My name is Sarah, I’m 32 years old and work as a midwife in a private hospital. I have also recently survived the birth of my first child! I would lik...
Midwife-Led-Care in South African Private Sector By Anchen Verster – Nursing sister and midwife, SA certified perinatal educator In South African in the private sector you have basically two options...
By Anchen Verster Being confident and well prepared is a major key to coping with labour pain. The better you understand the process of birth the better you can prepare yourself. The better prepared y...
By Anchen Verster – Nursing sister and midwife, mother of 4 including twins “Okay, you can push now”. Thuli’s cervix was 10 cm dilated, the labour ward nurse had just confirmed. “What do you...
By Anchen Verster – Registered nurse and midwife, SA certified perinatal educator (SACPE) Your baby will be born with his cord attached at the umbilicus and the other end still attached to the place...
By Anchen Verster – Registered nurse and midwife, SA certified perinatal educator and mother of 4 including twins As many mothers are birthing later in life due to circumstances (infertility, no sta...
Dr Dr Ben – a paediatrician working in Cape Town. I’ll never forget the day my oldest daughter tried tomatoes for the first time. We were celebrating a family birthday with a picnic at a beaut...
The more we learn about life and birth, the more we are realising just how impactful the way of birth is and how it impacts the future health of your newborn. During labour, your baby is pushed and sq...
By Anchen Verster – Registered nurse and midwife, SA certified perinatal educator, SACPE I do multiple home visits every week to see how new families are coping with breastfeeding and general adjust...
The experience of birth profoundly affects women and their families Create good birthing experiences, the memories are with you forever A woman’s body is designed to give birth naturally and safely ...
By Anchen Verster – SA certified perinatal educator, registered nurse and midwife, mother of 4 including twins. After my first child was born the job that I was in was a contract job so I didn’t g...
By Anchen Verster – SA certified perinatal educator, registered nurse and midwife, mother of 4 including twins I was scheduled to give birth in a private hospital close to where I lived – my m...
By Hettie Grove – Advanced midwife, SA certified perinatal educator, SA certified lactation consultant Everything in life comes with an instruction manual or almost everything.Yes babies unfo...
By Anchen Verster – Registered nurse and midwife, SA certified perinatal educator (SACPE) I sat across from a new mother as she explained to me how hopeless and rejected breastfeeding made he...
Labour is caused by the contractions, muscular tightenings of the uterus, controlled by the hormone oxytocin. These contractions soften and thin out (efface) and open (dilate) the cervix making a pass...
While pregnant Read books on breastfeeding. Ones that are written by qualified up-to-date lactation consultants Attend a breastfeeding course by qualified up-to-date lactation consultants Talk to frie...
Birth is normal, natural and healthy Women are made to birth Wonder at how your body has changed and has so thoroughly nurtured your growing child. Be filled with trust A woman’s body is designed to...
Did you know that a newborn baby has the ability to mimic your facial expressions! Your baby is born connected! Research has shown that babies can mimic things like protruding their tongue, opening th...
“Cigarette smoking is unequivocally the largest and most important modifiable factor for low birth weight and infant death “ Associate Professor Krisa Van Meurs, Paediatrics, Stanford University S...
Information from Lullaby Trust – Babies need a lot of sleep during the first few months of their lives so it’s important to ensure that they are sleeping as safely as p...
Penny Simkin says that most pregnant moms and dads would agree that the priorities for their labour, birth and baby would include Healthy pregnancy Full term pregnancy Spontaneous onset of labour Norm...
By Welma Lubbe – Author of Prematurity – Adjusting your dream. A premature baby is born before 37 weeks of the pregnancy is completed. In South Africa 12,4% of a...
Q. Should I learn a particular breathing pattern for labour? A. Every woman is different and personalities come into play. It can be a very good idea to try all sorts of breathing. All women will find...
Birth from a baby’s perspective What are the newborns first experiences as it exits his mother’s womb? The welcome the newborn receives at birth will colour his perceptions of life and will...
By Anchen Verster – Registered nurse and midwife, SA certified perinatal educator The practice of consuming your baby’s placenta after birth or in the months to follow is known as placentop...
By Anchen Verster – registered nurse and midwife, SA certified perinatal educator, Mother of 4 including twins Christina had been waiting 4 years for her precious baby. She miscarried two pre...
Our amazing birthing body working in total synchronicity! “The hormones that make birth happen, also prepare us for breastfeeding and mother-infant attachment” – Dr Sarah Buckley Our birt...
Women are bombarded with conflicting information about what they can and cannot eat during their pregnancy. Never mind your mother-in-law trying to give you that extra bit of maybe not so wanted adv...
Now that you’re bringing a new set of DNA into the world you’re probably thinking more about what you’re putting into your body. You should be as your diet can have a major impact on your baby...
One of the most exciting areas of research at the moment is on the microbiome! The human body consists of trillions of human cells as well as trillions of microorganisms. These microorganisms living i...
By Anchen Verster – registered nurse and midwife, SA certified perinatal educator, mother of 4, including twins A Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) stay might be furthest from your mind whe...
Challenging your mindset for better coping By Anchen Verster – BNursing, nursing sister and midwife, SA certified perinatal educator, mother of 4 including twins Labour pain is probably one...
By Barbara Hanrahan – Registered nurse and midwife, DnEd, MCur There are well known milestones for development from birth to 2 years. New parents need to be aware that these milestones are a ...
By Anchen Verster – Registered nurse, midwife, SA Certified Perinatal Educator – SACPE, wife, mother to 4 children including a set of twins As a childbirth educator I’m often asked by...
By Barbara Hanrahan – Registered nurse and midwife, masters in midwifery A caesarean is more than just surgery – It is the birth of a baby. A caesarean can be more than surgery! Gent...
By Merlyn Glass – Genetic nurse counsellor – NHLS University of Witwatersrand Genetic Counsellors attend to people who either have an inherited or genetic condition themselves, or have had ...
Whether you are having a natural birth or caesar – you need to be educated and informed It is so important to have a good birth mind set – “Everyone deserves a confident, empowered birth....
By Anchen Verster- Nursing sister and midwife, SA certified perinatal educator (SACPE) I often think a birthing day is much like a wedding day. It is anticipated for months; it marks a pivotal ...
If your pregnancy is healthy, it is best to stay pregnant for at least 39 weeks. Staying pregnant to full term, or 40 weeks, is one of the best ways to give babies enough time in the womb to grow and ...
What is constipation? Constipation is when a baby or child has very hard stools, and has fewer bowel movements than he normally does. All babies are different – and baby bowel patterns are no ex...
A childbirth educator is a professional who you can trust to give you a balanced view on the reality of pregnancy and labour. Her teaching philosophy should be “freedom of choice based on the knowle...
Often people think a hospital is a hospital and that they are all the same – this is not the case. Have a look around and tour different hospitals and see which hospital offers you what you are look...
It is not something many of us have probably ever given much thought to – but newborn babies can, and do, present with pain, stiffness, muscle spasm and inflammation – similar to that found in...
By Anchen Verster – Registered nurse, midwife, SA Certified Perinatal Educator – SACPE, wife, mother to 4 children including a set of twins Dear Mom-to-be… “I am your pelvic ...
Caesarean sections should only be performed when medically necessary A News release in April 2015 by the World Health Organisation said that caesarean section is one of the most common surgeries in t...
By Hettie Grove – SA certified location consultant Q. Must I prepare my nipples while I am pregnant? A. Your breasts actually do it automatically. The areola enlarges and become dark...
By Anthea Taylor – SACLC – SA certified lactation consultant The first safe and effective modern breast pump was invented by Einar Egnell in the 1940s. Since then many different types have ...
By Barbara Hanrahan – midwife and educator, masters in midwifery, SA certified perinatal education course developer and coordinator Childbirth is not an illness. Neither does the birth of eve...
Normal birth A normal birth is where the baby is born through the vagina. Pros You remain actively involved in decisions regarding your labour. You are the key player You are able to be active during ...
A birth story is about the day your life changed forever – the day you became a mother, your partner became a father, your parents became grandparents, your siblings became aunts and uncles. A day y...
The opportunity to sit down and draw up a birth plan with your partner is worth every ounce of strength it takes to do it. It makes you stop and think, opens discussion with your partner to express ea...
By Anchen Verster – Registered nurse and midwife, SA certified perinatal educator We have a 1-year-old mixed breed dog that brings our children immense pleasure. She has cost us thousands in ...
“The Right Choice can give you a memorable birthing experience as well as the best start to parenting.” A = Ask questions and more questions till it makes sense to you and you feel you have...
I was a relatively old (34 years) when I fell pregnant with my son. I am a gynaecologist and love my job. I grew up in a family of doctors and my dad is also a gynaecologist. I am married to the love ... From the moment of conception your baby is developing on a sensory level. As early as three weeks gestation their tactile system is already emerging and by five months all the sen...
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