33 Weeks!

Baby Rebecca showing us (hopefully!) the peace sign!

Baby Rebecca showing us (hopefully!) the peace sign!

I am 33 weeks pregnant, but it feels more like 37 weeks! This baby feels soo ready to come out – and this mommy still needs to ‘gather her thoughts’ about ‘number 2’ arriving!

I need to wash her clothes, organise her room, and… and… Well… I’m not sure what I have to do, but it just feels like I’m not ready yet. I have to still do some ‘stuff’. Meditate on everything perhaps – a new phase of my life beginning…

Nothing serious or different is happening at the moment with regards to my pregnant body. Baby is moving like crazy, mommy is running to the loo every half hour. And the strangest thing is (or it actually makes sense), because Alex is always sitting on my left hip, the new baby seems to have permanently moved to my right side – my bump looks pretty lopsided. She also only kicks to my right – everything is quite quiet on ‘Alex’s side’ (my left side) – they seem to have reached a compromise!

I do find myself more emotional these days. I often find myself thinking/ feeling that I can’t cope. Perhaps it’s just hormones bugging me… Or perhaps the realisation that I’ll soon have two children! I barely know how to entertain Alex all day long. How will I be able to keep TWO little ones happy? How will I physically manage? I know women all over the world are doing it… But for me… I’m just me- someone who doubts her own ability to raise two kids 🙂

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