Tips for the right support for breastfeeding

While pregnant

  • Read books on breastfeeding. Ones that are written by qualified up-to-date lactation consultants
  • Attend a breastfeeding course by qualified up-to-date lactation consultants
  • Talk to friends who are successfully breastfeeding their baby
  • Stay away from conversations with people who haven’t breastfed successfully – they can undermine your ability with their ignorance on breastfeeding
  • Let dad attend the breastfeeding class with you so he knows how to help you in those early days
  • Include breastfeeding on your birth plan
  • Tour your birth facility and ask who on their staff is a qualified lactation consultant
  • Know what qualifications to look for when choosing your lactation consultant. Check out the list on page…… or on for those in your area. Have your lactation consultants number in your phone contact directory for when you might need it
  • Remember – your baby is hard-wired to breastfeed – he knows how to do it even if you still have to learn


At birth

  • Let your baby go through the 9 instinctive stages
  • Be on baby time, not on hospital or doctor time
  • Keep your baby skin to skin all the time. Routine procedures that need to be done can be done while baby is lying skin to skin on mom’s chest
  • Don’t be in a rush to force baby on to the breast before he is ready to do so
  • Colostrum is nutrient rich – your baby does not need vast quantities of milk
  • Be peaceful and unhurried and on baby time


In the first days

  • Keep baby skin to skin for as much time as possible
  • Watch for early infant feeding cues
  • If breastfeeding is not comfortable or is painful at all, get help as quickly as possible so the problem can be corrected
  • Don’t use any bottles or formula in those early days – it affects breastfeeding becoming established
  • Don’t limit your baby’s time at the breast or try to push your baby a longer time between feeds. They have small stomachs and need to feed frequently (every couple of hours). The more frequently you feed, the quicker the milk will start flowing well
  • Learn how to position yourself that your baby gets a good latch
  • Be patient with yourself – breastfeeding is a newly acquired skill for you and your baby


Dad’s role

  • He can bring you nutritious snacks and drinks while breastfeeding. Always have something to drink close at hand as breastfeeding makes you thirsty
  • He can help with baby’s care like nappy changing and holding baby while you get yourself into a good position for feeding
  • Dad can reassure mom that she is doing well. Encourage her and compliment her on how well she is doing and coping with your baby


In the first weeks

  • Wear your baby skin to skin while doing your chores. Find a supportive skin to skin shirt
  • Breastfeed your baby whenever he shows signs of wanting to feed
  • Sign up to breastfeeding support groups and breastfeeding WhatsApp groups – they are incredibly supportive and quick to answer minor questions
  • Keep asking for help and direction with breastfeeding from your lactation consultant until you and your baby get it right together
  • Stay confident, even if you have your wobbly days with breastfeeding


Breastfeeding is one of the most important things you can do for your baby

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