12 Weeks and feeling…

12 Weeks and feeling…

Up and down. This is how I am feeling at twelve weeks. Some days I want to remain in bed, on other days I want to take Alex out and go conquer the world!

This week marks for me the end of my first trimester. The nausea is gone, but I am still feeling tired – I am expecting that my energy will soon come back. People have been pointing out that I am starting to show – hmmm… not sure whether I like this! With Alex I was barely showing at five months! Must be as my husband said: “Everything is already stretched out!” Hmmm, not sure I like this either!

With being so tired I have been tempted to get some vitamins/ supplements. The thing is, I am one of those people who are not sure if they believe in vitamins or not.

My gynae with Alex never prescribed me any vitamins, feeling that vitamins make expensive ‘pee’ and that if I eat in a balanced way, I should have everything I need. The gynae I am seeing now has already prescribed me a whole list of vitamins for my exhaustion and to aid in combating Depression.

What do you think? Are vitamins (in tablet form) for real? Or is it all just going down the loo?


Our Alex

Our Alex



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