11 Weeks… and we’re three in the bed again!

This week I am eleven weeks pregnant and everything seems to be quite ‘normal’.

I’m starting to show and took out my beloved, trusty preggy-roll yesterday, pulled off the cover and put it in the wash – it’s time to be three in the bed again!

Mind you, my husband doesn’t complain about the preggy-roll! Oh no! He loves to ‘snacth’ my preggy-roll if he gets to bed before me and then I have to persuade him to give it back by reminding him that I really need it for my tummy, back and knees. I have even found him watching an episode of Startrek once – with my preggy-roll!

Well, I don’t blame him – not even all the technologically advanced equipment on the Starship Enterprise or Starship Voyager will be able to come up with anything as comfy as my preggy-roll.

So, besides us being three in the bed again as of this night, nothing exciting is happening.

I’ll check in next week again – perhaps I will have some exciting news for you. Perhaps we can chat about all the myths about how to tell whether you are having a boy or girl! Alex walked under and through my legs yesterday and someone said : “Oh you’re having a girl!” Apparently this is a sign of being pregnant with a girl! Hmmm… I don’t know… 😉


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