Cheryl Immelman Practice Cheryl Immelman BCur, BACur, registered nurse, midwifery, psychiatry, community health, nursing education PR No. 8807744 7* Ante and postnatal courses, well baby, immunisations, breastfeeding, home visits, parenting skills 082 570 6678 ...

Ferryvale Pharmacy Mother and Baby Clinic Gail Williams RN, RM, certificate in clinical nursing science, health assessment, treatment and care PR No. 0880000490164 7* Well baby clinic, immunisations, postnatal and breastfeeding support, family planning (011) 814-3231 ...

Bellies and Beyond Deidre Nel BCur advanced midwifery and neonatology, admin, education, psychiatry, community and general nursing PR No. 0527734 8* Antenatal classes, antenatal check-ups, birth and postpartum and breastfeeding assistance 072 461 7867 ...

Karien Camphor Nursing Practice Karien Camphor BCur PR No. 8803293 6* Antenatal and postnatal classes, breastfeeding advice, baby immunisations, baby consultations (012) 991-1111 ...