Sandy’s Labour of Love Sandy Bayman Doula, Rebozo certified PR No. 9323907 8* Childbirth companion/doula, breastfeeding support meetings 072 269 7547 / ...

Adventure to Beautiful Birth Cynthia Kirchmann RN, RM PR No. 0419079 8* Doula, antenatal classes, postpartum visits, breastfeeding support, Dunstan baby language (039) 684-5006 / 083 380 1090 ...

Grow Perinatal Care Claire Moffat Registered nurse and midwife, student SACLC - SA certified lactation consultant student PR No. 0088000507563 7* Antenatal classes, lactation support, well baby clinic, immunisations, home visits (031) 568-2278 / 072 485 9741 ...

Babes N Bumps Evonne Hutton Registered nurse and midwife PR No. 0880000559199 8* Antenatal classes, postnatal support, immunisations, breastfeeding, milestones, development, minor ailments 079 115 7760 ...

New Beginnings Antenatal & Postnatal Gonam Pillay Registered nurse, midwife, community health, psychiatry PR No. 8839611 8* Antenatal and postnatal classes, breastfeeding support, postnatal support 084 555 0197 / (031) 539-4217w ...