22 Mar A bit more about myself…
I promised I’d share more about myself so here goes… As I told you I am a mom of three small children (firstborn son almost 4 and twin girls almost 2 years). In December we had a rather unexpected but happy surprise, number 4 will be joining our family in about August. Not a puppy or a hamster like some might add to their ‘family list’, but another baby! And so this year will look a little different to originally planned. However, we feel totally privileged and blessed to be able to welcome another little one despite the obvious 0-2 year challenges (okay I don’t know what it’s like to parent a 15 year-old!?). Presently my time is largely filled with being a mom but I am also a registered nurse and midwife and trying to complete a post grad course in Childbirth Education. I find my course work a thorough treat and great diversion from the daily routine, but the time… oh the time. I am sure you know what I mean, if I could add another 5 workable hours onto my day it would help! And so, signing off for today, here’s to wishing you all great productivity in every hour of being a mom and the 500 other things you find yourselves doing!
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